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25 décembre, 2009

Administrative court watched by ONG

Classé dans : English — justeurope @ 1:36

In this year 2009 the French tax administration has resumed the harassments they had started against me more than ten years ago. In effect they threatened to seize and deprived me of my home furniture which is worthless, kind of blackmail, and they blocked my bank accounts several times. I lodged a petition with the administrative court in order to get a ruling that such actions are abusive and therefore are annulled and must be specifically prohibited in the future.

My petition has been supported by the N.G.O. Chrysalis who stepped in the proceedings to check they are fair and conform with the standards set up under the Univeral Declaration of Human Rights.

I guess this is the first time that an O.N.G. is going to watch French administrative court proceedings. France has adhered to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which entails that France is bound to work with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

The OHCHR has issued a « Handbook for NGOs » and it goes without saying that NGO Chrysalis will follow it closely in all respects.

Posted by Christian Lesecq

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